Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you! I kept some wonderful kids today and we had a blast! At one point, Jacob, a wonderful 5 year old, came into the kitchen with a chair, a guitar, and a Darth Vader voice changer/helmet/mask. He then sat down and began to sing me a song. Here's Darth Vader singing with a southern accent... It was the cutest thing! SOOOOO, I did what anyone with camera would do...I grabbed it and ran into the kitchen. This is what I got...LOL! Enjoy!!!!!

Though I have not been able thus far in my life to birth a child, GOD has given me two children through adoption, and wonderful children to care for while mommie's run their errand's; what a blessing GOD has given me in HIS WORD! Look what nugget of truth I found...
Psalm 113:9 says...
He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD!

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