Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!
WOW! This man is on fire! This video is about 9 minutes long, but with a powerful message! It is not an accident that you have come to my site today. GOD wants you to hear a message. If you do not know JESUS as LORD of your life, I implore you to take 9 minutes out of your day to listen, it might be the best thing you ever did in your life.
Family in CHRIST, you already know the SAVIOR, but listen to this mans heart for the lost! We all should be on fire like this, telling ALL who will listen about JESUS! People walk by us everday that are going to the lake of fire. Does that bother you? It should! Everyone was created in the image of GOD, and though we all are sinners, JESUS paid our fine in HIS lifes blood. People need to know that because of sin there is a wrath to come, but they do not have to be a part of that, because though they broke GOD's law, JESUS paid their fine, and now the law has no more hold on them. GOD can legally let them go free into everlasting life. All people need to know that GOD really loves them.
I hope this video will be a blessing to you! GOD Bless You!
Label: Blogging Resources Teen Christian Site Testimonies