Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

I want to shout out a prayer request for a brother in CHRIST. He is an American soldier in Afghanistan. He had his Church back in the States send him Bibles in the languages spoken in Afghanistan. He was trying to witness to the locals over there. Yes, illegal in the country, yes, it violates the Status Of Forces Agreement, and yet, he was totally obedient to our GOD and FATHER.

He was caught and the American Military had to confiscate and destroy all his Bibles. I know our brother is in deep trouble right now. Pray for him. Even though we do not know him, GOD knows him, and we all need to lift one another in prayer...especially in times of need.


May we all be as diligent to witness as this young man, no matter the cost. We already stand in VICTORY!!!! CHRIST has already won it for us. We just need to believe and obey! There are many soul's going to the lake of fire, and because of fear of what man will do, most resist witnessing. The BIBLE says not to fear what man can do to the body, but to fear the ONE who can destroy both body and soul.

PRAISE GOD for those out there who are obedient no matter what. GOD Bless You Brother!

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