Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you from our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

I hope this poem speaks to you all! This could be a prayer. I hope you call on the LORD and give over all your burdens to HIM. I know I struggle with my flesh just like every Christian. Some days I go to bed victorious, while other nights I go to bed defeated. Let us all pray for one another. If you need prayer for a specific issue please feel free to email me at...

I am a prayer warrior, so please send your prayer requests. They will only go to GOD, no where else. I spend time with GOD every morning in prayer and in the WORD.


Save me from myself, Lord;
Save me from my need
To always run my life, Lord,
To control my every deed.

Save me from my pride, Lord,
My focus on just me;
Help me learn to serve, Lord;
Show me how to be.

Save me from the world, Lord,
When tempting things entice;
Remind me of eternity
With You, in paradise.

I give my life to you, Lord
My every need you fill;
I’m resting in my faith, Lord;
You saved me, and you always will.

Author~Joanna Fuchs

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