
Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

Forgiveness is a beautiful thing. It sets us free from our carnal moments. I love forgiveness! I really need it, because I have many blond moments..OK, OK...fake blond moments! LOL!

Seriously, forgiveness is a requirement from GOD. GOD says in Matthew 6:14... For if you forgive men their trespasses, your HEAVENLY FATHER will also forgive you.

I like what Neal Anderson says in his book "Victory Over the Darkness"...Forgiving is not forgetting. forgetting may be a long-term by-product of forgiving, but it is never a means to forgiveness. When GOD says HE will remember our sins no more ( Heb. 10:17), HE is not saying "I will forget them." GOD is omniscient; He cannot forget. Rather, HE will never use the past against us. HE will remove it as far from us as "the east is from the west" ( Psalms 103:12).

First of all, we need forgiveness from our sins. We transgressed against the law, and JESUS came and died on the cross, paying our fine for us, so we could live forever with him in the kingdom. HE took away our eternal punishment in the lake of fire and gave us eternal life in HEAVEN with HIM. That is true forgiveness! Thank YOU LORD for GRACE!

I know I am not perfect and in need of constant forgiveness, I am so glad that JESUS gives me that. It reminds me to also in turn to forgive those who have wronged me. PRAISE GOD HE has taught me that. I love GOD and I love my fellow man.

Is there someone who you need to forgive? I pray that you will allow GOD to have HIS way in your heart.
GOD Bless You!
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There's no point in burying a hatchet if you're going to put up a marker on the site.

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