Hello All, Grace and Peace be unto you from our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
I am sorry I have not been here much, but my family has been going through a rough patch. It all started in September, when my kids came down with the flu, and we were down for two weeks. We had a week of peace then I went into the hospital for emergency surgery due to my appendix. I was in the hospital for a week, then I was in bed at home for a week. I was still recovering when we had to go to Landstuhle Germany for my husbands ankle surgery. His surgery was planned, but mine was not.
We were in Germany for over a week. I had to take care of my kids while my husband was in the hospital and I was still very sore and not feeling well. I had no choice though, my kids needed me.
After our return, my husband was in need of constant care. He could not get up for anything. I had my kids to take care of, the house, shopping, and trying to be nurse for my darling. I love doing it all, but you all have to understand, I really did not have much energy at the time due to my own recovery.
Then, 2 weeks after being home from Germany, our alternator went out in our van, and there was oil on the engine. A friend who came to look at it for us said we needed a new alternator, a manifold intake something or another( I do not speak car...LOL) along with some other things. Car care service over here in Belgium is horrible. We do have auto garages, but most do not work on automatics, and if they do, they charge double to triple the cost in America.
To top it all off, my son is sick with the stomach junk and has been feverish since Sunday. He is still running a low grade fever and his little bottom is so sore from running to the restroom so much. I feel so sorry for him!
Currently my van is still down. We did however receive our car parts in the mail and a fellow we know is going to help us. PRAISE GOD!!! WOOT!!! My husband still can not be on his foot, but I am doing much better. PRAISE GOD!
Please understand me, I am not complaining, but just explaining my situation here lately. I really love and miss my blogging darlings, and I do try to post everyday, but my time is spread so thin.
I realize through all my trials lately that GOD has taken care of all of our needs. Nothing has gone undone. I love GOD very much and I know these trials draw us closer to the ONE who can see us through it all.
I do humbly ask you all to pray for our situation. I know GOD is working in our favor, it is evident, but extra prayers would not hurt.
Thank you my family and friends! GOD bless you all!