Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you from our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

I have wonderful news! Last week a friend of the family told me that he has given his life to CHRIST, and yesterday I recieved a letter from my uncle who is in prison, he also recieved CHRIST! I am beside myself! I have been praying for so long for my loved ones and when it happens...well...I bursting right now!

Kairos, a prison ministry was there to take the love of JESUS to my uncle and all who are within the prison walls. My uncle answered GOD's call...PRAISE be to our GOD who is calling the whole world to HIMSELF. Now, Dale and David are among the sheep!

I am really grateful for the Kairos ministry for all they do in being obedient to the KING of KINGS going into the darkest pit of the hardest hearts and reaching them for CHRIST...thus setting the captives free. They may be physically held captive, but spiritually, they who have answered GOD's call, are all set free.

Isn't it funny, GOD will allow people to go to prision to be set free...PRAISE be to GOD our KING and our SAVIOR!

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