No Baby!

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you from our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.

I wanted you all to know that we are NOT pregnant! Just for reference sake, staring at a pregnancy test and repeating, "Be positive, be positive, be positive" does not work. LOL!

Yes, I was a bundle of stressed out nerves, but GOD brought me back to reality. Reality is, it is about HIM and only HIM. I was so "baby" focused that I lost sight of that. Not to mention I had no faith in the matter. Two weeks wasted on focusing on the baby, when all I had to do was lay it down at the feet of JESUS, and go about my business, and trust GOD with the specifics of my life.

I am so sorry my LORD, please forgive me and help me to focus on the SOLUTION to every problem instead of the problem. I thank YOU for your WORD that helps me in every storm of life. I love YOU sooooo much, and it hurts me to know that I fall short of YOUR glory. Please help me to keep YOU on the throne of my heart, because when I try to be in charge I mess everything up. I am so happy it is about a relationship, and not of our own goodness because I possess none. I am happy that YOU love me even though I am completely unworthy. I am thankful when I cry out to you "I can not handle another negative" YOU are always there to help me handle the "Negatives". You give me grace to handle all the negatives of life. Thank YOU FATHER, Thank YOU JESUS, Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT...THANK YOU GOD! AMEN!

I have laid it all it HIS feet, and we will continue on our journey to have a baby...and if it does not happen, I trust HIM. I really do! No more crazy!

Thank you all for your prayers, I know you all were praying, because HE came in a gave me so much peace. I am not kidding, I am so calm, and peaceful. That is the POWER of our GOD!

GOD bless you!


I hope this cheers you up. It took me 9 years to conceive, and my pituitary tumor had to do with my inability to get pregnant. We never expected to have kids of our own after waiting so long. But God was good. After I had surgery and followup medications, the tumor that suppressed my fertility for so many years subsided, and I became pregnant in 2005. My son is a miracle baby! God will give you a child in His appointed time, so cheers!

June 23, 2010 at 9:56 PM  

Thank you for your testimony Tetcha! I do believe GOD for all HIS miracles. Praise GOD for your miracle.
I finally had to remove my thyroid because it was producing antibodies, and it was killing all my kids. I have had 11 miscarriages. I had the surgery 2 years ago and now we are trying again. But with at age (42) it is harder to become pregnant, but with GOD all things are possible.
GOD bless you Tetcha!

June 24, 2010 at 12:10 AM  

God is always righteous. His will are all just and pure. He just want you to always be faithful and have a love that is enduring. He loves you.

June 24, 2010 at 2:23 AM  

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