Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

I am sorry for bombarding you all with so many videos this week, but I believe these are so important!

Thank you Penlighted, at http://lightedpen.blogspot.com, for allowing me to post these videos here on my site! Penlighted has an awesome site! Check it out!

Obama has become a permanent face in the news since starting his presidential campaign. I am happy that we as a people have come to a place in time where the color of a man or woman's skin does not prohibit him or her, from becoming president of the United States. I am glad that I was raised to love everyone equally, no matter what. The color of Obama skin made no difference to me during the election, but his policies and his liberal ways did.

I am extremely upset that his first week in office he reversed the ban on funding abortions to other countries, that Ronald Reagen passed during his term. He is promoting world wide murder! Why should a government get so involved to fund abortion? No one has the right to end a life. Obama has said that if his girls were to "make a mistake" they should not be "punished" with a baby. Yes, Obama would rather his daughters kill his own grandchildren than see them actually own up to their responsibility. That is the problem with society, people want to break the rules, and not pay the consequences. I know there are different points of view when discussing abortion, I personally am against it, but my main hang-up here is, our government should not be involved with advocating and funding abortions locally, or abroad. He shows me what kind of a man he really is, if the first thing he does on his agenda is to advocate murder of infants. Men are to protect women and children, not kill them.

According to the BIBLE, the last days will be lived in total lawlessness. Anything GOD stands for will be ignored. It is evident, we are heading there now and it is clear Obama does not believe in JESUS or stand on the BIBLE. We need to pray for Obama, for our country, the victims of abortion, and our world. May Obama listen to the voice of the LORD!

I love the testimony of this young lady in the video! She is the product of a failed abortion. GOD allowed her life, and she is telling her story. I hope you will stick around and watch part 1 and part 2, and see what GOD has to say through her.

GOD Bless You!

The Rapture

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

I am drawn to tell others about the SAVING GRACE OF JESUS, and it is even more so now, because I believe we are living in the last days. I am intrigued by the end time prophesy, well, I love the whole BIBLE, but end times in particular, because we are living it. If you have never really heard about or studied the end times, please get into a study and see for yourself the events to come. I believe JESUS will be coming soon and we all need to be ready ourselves, and then go tell others before it is too late. Please watch video in its entirety.

GOD Bless You!

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

Mark 16:15 says...And HE said to them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Here is the fascinating thing. The original Greek meaning of "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" opens up some interesting thoughts. The word for "go" is very captivating. It is poreuomai, meaning "go." The word "all" also carries with it gripping connotations. It is hapas, and actually means "all." And if that doesn't rivet you, look closely at the word "every." It is pas, and literally means "every." So when JESUS commanded us, "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,"to be true and faithful to the original text, what HE was actually saying was, "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." We are so fortunate to have access to knowledge like this. :-)

"Here is our commissioning and sending. There are no exceptions, every Christian is commanded to go!" A quote by Trevor Yaxley

May the LORD give you a spirit of Boldness, as you prepare to share the gospel.

Let's go fill the KINGDOM!

GOD Bless You!

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

See how Ray lovingly tells this young man about his sin condition, and then reveals JESUS as savior. We all should be out there telling others of the wrath to come and what JESUS did to save us from it.

I pray GOD will make us all the witnesses we need to be. LET"S FILL THE KINGDOM!!!

GOD Bless You!

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

I found this devotion in a book called "Truth For Today", by John MacArthur. May the LORD speak to you through this message.

What kind of fruit brings glory to GOD? Philippians 1:11 says, "Being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by JESUS CHRIST, to the glory and praise of GOD." Righteousness, which is doing right, is the fruit GOD desires in our lives. when we do right, we glorify GOD; when we do wrong, we dishonor HIM. Fruit is synonymous with righteousness.

There are two kinds of spiritual fruit: action fruit, which consists of giving, leading others to CHRIST, and the attitude fruit, which is expressing thanks to GOD. Galations 5:22-23 describes attitude fruit: "The fruit of the SPIRIT is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, fatihfulness, gentleness, self-control."

How do you get the right attitudes? Galations 5:25 says, "If we live in the SPIRIT , let us also walk in the SPIRIT."
As you yield control of your life to the HOLY SPIRIT, HE will permeate your life and produce the proper fruit.

GOD Bless You!

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you.

Dear Christians,
"You are really convinced that you've got all the answers. You've really got yourself tricked into believing that you're 100% right. Well, let me tell you just one thing. Do you consider yourself to be compassionate of other humans? If you're right about GOD, as you say you are, and you believe that, then how can you sleep at night? When you speak with me, you are speaking with someone who you believe is walking directly into eternal damnation, into an endless onslaught of horrendous pain which your loving god created, yet you stand by and do nothing.
"If you believed one bit that thousands every day were falling into an eternal and unchangeable fate, you should be running the streets mad with rage at their blindness. That's equivalent to standing on a street corner and watching every person that passes you walk blindly directly into the path of a bus and die, yet you stand idly by and do nothing. You're just twiddling your thumbs, happy in the knowledge that one day that Walk signal will shine your way across the road.
"Think about it. Imagine the horrors hell must have in store if the Bible is true. You're just going to allow that to happen and not care about saving anyone but yourself? If you are, then you are an uncaring, unemotional, and purely selfish (expletive) that has no right to talk about subjects such as love and caring."


Wow! Believers, we need to be out there spreading the GOOD NEWS of eternal life through JESUS CHRIST our LORD and SAVIOR! Speak to anyone who will listen! There are many who think this way. Lets fill the KINGDOM!!!!

GOD Bless You!

Spurgeon Sunday

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!


JESUS is no idler or loiterer; HE is about HIS FATHER'S business, and you must march with quick step if you would keep pace with HIM. As vinegar to the teeth and as smoke to the eyes are sluggards to active persons. Those, who have much to do have no fellowship with gossips, who drop in to while away the hours with chat. JESUS has no fellowship with you, who care not for souls that are perishing. He is incessantly active, and so must you be if you would know HIS love. There is a fierce furnace-heat beating upon everything today. Men are toiling hard to hold their own, and JESUS must not be served by slothful hearts. I am sure that I err not, from HIS mind, when I say to you, beloved, if you would know the BELOVED fully, you must get up early and go afield with HIM to work with HIM, Your joy shall be in spending and being spent for HIM.
~Charles Spurgeon

GOD Bless You!

Life is GOD Given

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you.

How would you respond in these situations?

1. A preacher and his wife are very, very poor. They already have 14 kids. Now she finds out she's pregnant with the 15Th. They're living in tremendous poverty. Considering their poverty and the excessive world population, would you consider recommending she get an abortion?

2. The father is sick with sniffles, and the mother has TB. Of their four children, the first is blind, the second has died, the third is deaf, the fourth has TB. She finds she's pregnant again. Given this extreme situation, would you consider recommending abortion?

3. A white man raped a 13-year-old black girl and she's now pregnant. If you were her parents would you consider recommending abortion?

4. A teenage girl is pregnant. She's not married. Her fiance` is not the father of the baby, and her fiance` is upset. Would you recommend abortion?

If you said yes...
In the first case, you would have killed John Wesley, one of the great evangelists in the 19Th century.

In the second case, you would have killed Beethoven.

In the third case, you would have killed Ethel Waters, the great black gospel singer.

If you said yes to the fourth case, you would have declared the murder of JESUS CHRIST!

GOD is the author of life, and HE has given every single individual supreme value. Each life, whether inside or outside the womb, should therefore be valued by us. GOD knows the plans HE has for each individual and no one has the right to take that away.
When we presume to know better than GOD who should be given life, we are putting ourselves in the place of GOD and are guilty of idolatry.

Psalms 127:3 says... Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is HIS reward.

Psalm 139:13-16 says...For YOU have formed my inward parts; YOU have covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise YOU, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are YOUR works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from YOU, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. YOUR EYES saw my substance, being yet unformed.

Luke 1:44-45 says...Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah, and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of you womb! But why is this granted to me, that the mother of my LORD should come to me? For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the LORD."

John the baptist inside his mother's womb leaped for joy at the presence of JESUS inside HIS mother's womb. Babies are human from conception, though others would disagree, it does not matter, GOD has spoken the TRUTH and nothing can change that!

Abortion is a tool used by the enemy to kill human kind. John 10:10" says...The thief (satan) does not come except to steal, and to kill , and to destroy.

John 8:44 says..."You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."

If you find yourself in a place where abortion seems to be the only option, remember the devil is a liar, GOD has another plan for you and your child. Adoption is another option that would allow the child life, and bless a family who is struggling to bear children. My husband and I struggled for seven years with multiple miscarriages. We prayed to GOD to fill our home with children and HE did. We have two beautiful adopted children that are happy and healthy. Praise GOD that their birth-mom's decided to give them life even through their hardships.

Maybe you already have had an abortion and feel that there is no way to remove the guilt you feel inside. Guilt is a good thing! It is our conscience telling us that we need to turn away from our transgression against GOD. The Ten Commandments allow our conscience to feel guilt and ultimately want to turn from our sin, and propel us toward the SAVING GRACE of JESUS!

Abortion is a sin, because it is murder! Worshipping other gods and idols, misusing GOD'S name, not keeping the Sabbath, adultery ( which covers all sexual sin), stealing, lying, and coveting are sin too. We sin (commit crimes against GOD) and GOD being pure can not tolerate sin. ( HE can not even be around it)

When we sin we are storing up wrath for ourselves on the day of judgment, but 2 Peter 3:9 says...The LORD is not slack concerning HIS promises as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

JESUS said in John 14:6...JESUS said to him,"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the FATHER except through me.

Romans 5:8 says...But GOD demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, CHRIST died for us.

Why did HE have to die for us? We broke the Law, ( Ten Commandments) and JESUS came to pay our fine and taking our punishment upon HIMSELF. In order for you to partake in the Ultimate Pardon ( the eternal separation from GOD in the Lake of Fire), you must turn from your sin, confess to GOD what you have done ( sexual sin, abortion...) and ask GOD to forgive you. Acts 2:21 says...And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.

How about it dear one's, do you need healing from being bruised and battered by sin? Repent today! 2 Corinthians 6:2 says...For HE says: "In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you. Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation. GOD is not a life taker, HE is a life giver, so REPENT TODAY!

Enemy Of GOD?

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

James 4:4-10 says...
Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with GOD? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of GOD.
Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain. "The SPIRIT who dwells in us yearns jealously"?
But HE gives more grace. Therefore HE says: "GOD resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
Therefore submit to GOD. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Draw near to GOD and HE will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded.
Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the LORD, and HE will lift you up.

The reference to Adulterers and Adulteresses, is not in the context of a sexual nature, but of a spiritual adultery. The oldest manuscripts omit "adulterers and" and read simply, " Ye adulteresses." GOD is the rightful HUSBAND, and we should not fornicate with the world system.

Why is it that we are not to have a relationship with the world? Job 1:7 says...And the LORD said to satan, " From where do you come?" So satan answered the LORD and said, "From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it."
2 Corinthians 4:4 says...Whose minds the god of this world (satan) has blinded,who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of glory of CHRIST, who is the image of GOD, should shine on them.

Satan's influence over the world system has caused many to transgress against GOD, thus making the world the enemy of GOD. Those that are not born again Christians have minds that are blinded by satan, being deceived into the wickedness that has enchanted our world. Most of the world leaders are led by satan himself, and it is evident in our world today.

2 Timothy 3:1-7 says...But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of GOD, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! Wow! This is the behavior of the people in the world today!

GOD wants us to turn away from the world and look to HIM. The world says anything goes, GOD says, "if you love me, you keep my commandments." The world says it is acceptable to have sex freely with anyone, GOD says HE made man and women to be joined together and they would be one flesh. The world says get rich any way you can even if it destroys another, GOD says, "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, but lose his own soul." The world says it is alright to walk around half naked, GOD says, women adorn yourselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation. The world says that it is acceptable to hate, to kill unborn babies, and it is common to use filth language as normal speech, GOD says in Philipians 2:3: Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.

Philipians 4:8,9 says...Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, what ever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things.

Romans 13:8,10 says... Owe no one anything except to love one another. Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fullfullment of the law.

If we show GOD we love him by keeping HIS commandments, then loving each other is the fullfillment of the law. If we love one another we will not steal, kill, commit adultery, or covet from anyone.

If you have recognized that you have broken the commandments, are an enemy of GOD, and want to know what you should do to have a relationship with HIM. Accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR of your life! What JESUS did on the cross was a legal transaction. We commit crimes against GOD, (acting in accordance with the world in sin) and JESUS paid our fine in HIS lifes blood. Now the Law has no more hold, so we do not have to go to the lake of fire. PRAISE GOD! Romans 10:9 says... If you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in your heart that GOD has raised HIM from the dead, you will be saved. Pray and place your trust in GOD, turn away from your sin and the worldy ways, and start reading the BIBLE to know what GOD would have you do.

Dear one's, don't leave this world an enemy of GOD!


Julie, at Julies Daily Inspirationals recently nominated me for the Lemonade Award. I appreciate the nomination, thank you so much. The Lemonade Award is for sites that show gratitude and a wonderful attitude.

Rules for the award:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Nominate your favorites and link to this post.

My Choices for the Award:

He Lives

Faith Folk Cafe

GOD Bless You All!!

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

Tim Hawkins is one of my favorite comedians. HE IS SO FUNNY!!! Check out this awesome video and let me know what you think!!

GOD Bless You!


Prince Of Preachers

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

Charles Haddon Spurgeon was known as the "Prince of Preachers". He loved GOD and he loved man. He trusted and obeyed what JESUS said in Matthew 22:36... " TEACHER, which is the great commandment in the law?" JESUS said to him, "You shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment and the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." He understood this and applied this to his life.

He was born June 19, 1834 in Kelvedon, Essex, England to Rev. John and Eliza Spurgeon. He was a brother to seventeen siblings. His parents sent him to live with his grandparents where he learned about JESUS. He was six when he returned to his parents. Though he was surrounded by Godly parents and grandparents, he had not made a personal decision for CHRIST. At the age of fifteen years old he entered the Primitive Methodist Church while trying to make it to his church, but was deterred by a snowstorm. The preacher who was supposed to preach that night was unable to make it due to the storm. A man came forward to help out and he just started speaking from the WORD; He preached from Isaiah 45:22... Look to me, and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am GOD, and there is no other.

This is the account given by Charles himself of the day he met the SAVIOR, "When he (the man speaking) had managed to spin out ten minutes or so, he was at the end of his tether. Then he looked at me under the gallery, and I daresay, with so few present, he knew me to be a stranger. Just fixing his eyes on me, as if he knew all my heart, he said, 'Young man, you look very miserable and you always will be miserable. Miserable in life, and miserable in death, if you don't obey my text; but if you obey now, this moment, you will be saved.' Then, lifting up his hands, he shouted as only a Primitive Methodist could do, 'Young man, look to JESUS CHRIST. Look! Look! Look! You have nothing to do but to look and live.'
"I saw at once the way of salvation... and when I heard the word. 'Look!' what a charming word it seemed to me! Oh! I looked until I could almost have looked my eyes away. There and then the cloud was gone, the darkness had rolled away, and that moment I saw the sun; and I could have risen that instant, and sung with the most enthusiastic of them, of the precious blood of CHRIST, and the simple faith which looks alone to HIM."

Charles began preaching when he was only nineteen years old, and his love grew for the LORD and he obeyed HIM with everything he had. It is said that he was not for the flowery speech of the humanists or the rhetoric of the High Calvinists. Nor did he muddle through, as did many of the rural preachers. He spoke simply from his heart and did not try to impress man. He just wanted to impress upon man the glory of GOD, the fallen sinning state of each of us and the salvation of CHRIST. He not only preached to who would hear him, but he also put out a monthy magazine called "The SWORD and the TROWL". He wrote many books and also gave many college addresses and lectures. Through his obedience he brought many to CHRIST.

He was a man who was in constant pain because gout (an acute, recurrent disease characterized by painful inflammation of the joints) had attcked his body. He had a passion for the lost and he never let the pain stop him from preaching or spreading the WORD. He saw his suffering as a blessing from GOD for he was able to move with much compassion on those who were downtrodden.

Charles Jr. had this to say about his dad...

"I know of no one who could, more sweetly than my dear father, impart comfort to bleeding hearts and sad spirits. As the crushing of the flower causes it to yield its aroma, so he, having endured in the long continued illness of my beloved mother, and also constant pains himself, was able to so sympathize most tenderly with all sufferers."

In his last years, Spurgeon went to Menton in South france. In 1892, became very sick. Though illness was upon him, he could not help but continue attending services with his friends and family. In his biography, it was said that he had delivered his message to groups of thousands, but would expound the word of GOD to any group, no matter how small.

His friend, Wilson Carlile, was with him during his last days. Wilson tells of Charles' last prayer... "When he was dying at the East by, Menton, my wife and I went to his family prayers, which he took though in bed. He prayed for all the wandering sheep, concluding, 'THOU, LORD, seest the various lables upon them and rightly regardest them by the mark of the CROSS in their hearts. They are all THY one fold."

He went to be with the FATHER January 31, 1892, but his ministry is still influencing many today through the enormous amount of sermonic material and varied writings he left behind.

Charles Spurgeon wrote and preached 3, 500 individual sermons, and I want to share some of his wise words with you, so every Sunday I will have "Spurgeon Sunday". I hope you will come partake in some wisdom. Here is an example of how much he loved the wandering sheep and how he pleaded with others to reach the lost...

"If sinners will be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for." (I love this statement!)

We should all be filled with such compassion for the "wandering sheep". I pray you all will ask GOD to help you find what you need to spread the GOSPEL!

GOD Bless You!

The Brick

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you!

A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, 'What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That brick you threw has damaged my new car and it is going to cost a lot of money to fix. Why did you do it?' The young boy was apologetic. 'Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do,' He pleaded. 'I threw the brick because no one else would stop...' With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. 'It's my brother, 'he said 'He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up.'
Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, 'Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me.' Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat.. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. 'Thank you and may GOD bless you,' the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: 'Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!' GOD whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, HE has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not.


Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you.

I have a prayer request that I want to share before you see the video below...My sister in CHRIST "Juliette" who has the Blog "Guy's Wife" has taken a fall. You can go visit her site and read about it, but I want us all to lift her up in prayer. She is in pain right now. We are to share in each others burdens. Please pray for her. Thank you!

We serve an AWESOME GOD! HE is our CREATOR, COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, PRINCE OF PEACE, and our SAVIOR! I just love HIM so much! I wanted to pass along this video to you all. It is so great! Enjoy!

In service for KING JESUS,

I Am Back

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you! I am up and around now! Yeh!!! I am still slow moving, but better over all. Praise GOD for pain medicine! I was thinking about the people of the past and how they had to endure so much pain. We are truly blessed to be living in a time that has the technology to save or improve lives, and medicine to help maintain a comfort level while healing. To GOD be all GLORY!

I am very Thankful for all my sisters and brothers who have been praying for me. I am a prayer warrior too, please send prayer requests and I will lift up any who need.

GOD Bless You all!

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you.

I found this funny anecdote and I thought I would share it with you... Enjoy!

An English schoolteacher was looking for rooms in Switzerland. She called upon the local schoolmaster to help her find an apartment that would be suitable. Such rooms were found, and she returned to London for her belongings. She remembered that she had not noticed a bathroom, or as she called it, "a water closet." She wrote to the schoolmaster and asked if there was a "W.C." in or near the apartment.

The schoolmaster, not knowing the English expression, was puzzled by the "W.C.", never dreaming that she was talking about a bathroom. He finally sought advice from the parish priest. They concluded that she must mean a Wayside Chapel. The lady received the following letter a few days later.

Dear Madam:

The W.C. is located 9 miles from the house, in the heart of a beautiful grove of trees. It will seat 150 people at one time, and is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays.

Some people bring their lunch and make a day of it. On Thursdays there is an organ accompaniment. The acoustics are very good. The slightest sound can be heard by everyone. It may interest you to know that my daughter met her husband at the W.C.. We are now in the process of taking donations to purchase plush seats. We feel that this is a long-felt need, as the present seats have holes in them.

My Wife, being rather delicate, hasn't been able to attend regularly. It has been six months since she last went. Naturally, it pains her not to be able to go more often.

I will close now with the desire to accommodate you in every way possible, and will be happy to save you a seat either down front or near the door, as you prefer.

LOL!! I hope you enjoyed this story...LOL!

GOD Bless You!

Hello All

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you.

I am still recovering from surgery, (pain meds keep me in bed) please be patient until I feel well enough to sit and post. I will be back in a few days. GOD Bless you all!

In service for KING JESUS,


Hello All, grace and peace be to you all. I did not get to post yesterday because we had a death in the family. My cousin was shot and killed in a parking lot walking to his car. The authorities believe it was an intentional hit on his life. Why? We do not know. His death has me thinking about how fragile life is. We could go at any time. Life is not a guarantee... although death certainly is. It will happen to all of us at some point. So, do you know what happens when you die? What do you believe happens when a person takes their final breath on earth? Some of you know exactly what happens and where you will go, but some of you probably do not. Maybe you have never thought about death much or maybe you think about it all the time and it paralyzes you.
In my past before I began my life with CHRIST, I should have been extremely afraid of death, but I was not. I was living a life far from GOD and I was not thinking of any wrath to come. I was living a life that was self destructive. I was hooked on drugs, alcohol and I put myself in dangerous situations by being around some scary people who did not play. I was busy living my life (high) to be scared of death, but I should have been. If I would have died then, it would have been in my sin and I would be in the lake of fire right now. To think about me in hell forever scares me! I know now that I have HEAVEN as my home. How do I know? I know the SAVIOR! I met HIM February 22, 1997. It was the best day of my life. I stepped out on Faith and asked JESUS to forgive me and to help me live according to the way HE wants me too. I felt HIM there with me. HE has revealed HIMSELF to me in different ways over the years and I know that what the BIBLE says is the TRUTH. I believe in the fact that I had committed crimes (sin) against GOD and was on my way to the lake of fire. I believe that when I confessed my sin to HIM and believed HE was raised from the dead, I was saved. Romans 10:9-13 says...
That if you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in your heart that GOD has raised HIM from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation. For the SCRIPTURE says, "Whoever believes on HIM will not be put to shame." For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same LORD over all is rich to all who call upon HIM. For whoever calls upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.
I am not sure where my cousin is. I am not sure if he believed that GOD raised JESUS from the dead or in GOD at all. It hurts me to think that I am so far away from my family and I could not tell him of the good news of JESUS. I wish I would have told him, I hope GOD sent someone else to tell him. That is why it is my mission to be trained in the scripture and to take it to the street to tell everyone.
JESUS has risen from the grave, HE conquered death for us all. HE paid our fine to keep us from going to eternal flames. So, when we die in our flesh we can go to HIS KINGDOM to live forever. HE arose and we will too...if you trust in HIM as your SAVIOR. I hope you accept HIM before you take your final breath on earth.

Examine Yourself

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you. I was reading the BIBLE today and found this scripture,
"1 Corinthians 11:27-33 and was reminded of making sure we examine ourselves before taking Communion.

1 Corinthians 11:27-33 NKJV says... 27 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the LORD in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the LORD.

28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgement to himself, not discerning the LORD'S body.

30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep.

31 For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged.

32 But when we are judged, we are chastened by the LORD, that we may not be condemned
with the world.

33 Therefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, wait for one another.

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you. I just finished watching the Ben Stein documentary about how scientist's who investigate "Intelligent Design" are being expelled from their positions in teaching institutions and Museums and such, due to the fact that they are trying to scientifically research to see if Intelligent Design could be right. If you have not seen this documentary, I Highly recommend it.
Our freedom in the scientific field is slowly being stripped from us. If we do not stand up for our rights we will wake one day and we will be living with an invisible wall around us preventing us from our right to freedom so many people have died to protect. The United States stand on the right to freedoms, but for how much longer?
If you are a scientist who believes in Darwinism than you are safe in the circle, but if you believe in the freedom to at least study the possibility of an Intelligent Designer you will be in danger of having all you have worked hard for stripped from you from the radical Darwin movement. Ben asked one of the most experienced Darwinist about the possibility of an Intelligent Designer, he said there could be, but argues that it should not be a part of the scientific research. Why not?
If the scientific world is about inquiry and investigation, how come they will not let scientist inquire and investigate the possibility of GOD and creation? The Darwinists are going to great lengths to protect a "theory" that really has never been proven. Darwinist always say we all evolved from a single cell which developed into ALL of what we see today. Ben asked the experienced Darwinist to explain where the single cell came from and he could not say. He said, I don't know." When you get to the very beginning of the origin, Darwinist really do not know, thus leaving the impression that the possibility for an Intelligent Designer is probable.
So, why are the Darwinist trying so hard to keep it out? I believe there is a bigger agenda here. If the world believes in this "theory" than it easier to initiate anything and see where it goes because there are no absolutes. If there is absolutely no GOD then, it is easier to advocate abortion, which is murder, but to someone who does not believe in the BIBLE, it would not be a big deal. (Tell that to the baby being tortured and killed in the womb!) If there is no GOD and we are an accident that evolved, we have no real purpose, so anything goes. Hey, wait a minute I believe that is happening already. Forcing evolution is the main step pushing people to dangerous idea's. Just look at what happened to the millions of Jews during the Holocaust. Evolution was a part of the reason Hitler did what he did. He thought he was doing good by cleansing all impure people to try to make a pure race to evolve and populate the world. It is easier to do that if we are an accident and not created with no one to be held accountable to.
Well, I believe in GOD and creation, but even if I didn't, I also believe we all should have the freedom to explore the possibility of what comes our way since so many died so we would have that right.

Hello All, Grace and Peace to you all! I felt so ashamed this morning! I had just gotten up and was stirring the kids as well. My sweet husband was about to leave for work and we were engaging in a conversation. He was giving me some instruction about something and meant well, and my pride got in the way. I thought to myself, "why is he telling me this? I already know. Does he think of me as a baby?" I became so frustrated and lashed back at him, and we got into a squabble. I ran into the bedroom, yelled something as I slammed the door. Immediately, I felt convicted(a guilty feeling in the spirit telling one they messed up). I asked GOD to help me make it right. I had to first repent and ask GOD for forgiveness,( telling GOD what I did wrong. GOD knows what I did, but we are to confess it to HIM in prayer and then ask HIM to forgive us our wrong) then I went to my husband. I stood in front of my husband and told him that I had let satan bait me with pride and I fell for it. I told him that I was so sorry and asked him to forgive me, and he did right away. HE is wonderful to me!!!!
You might ask how could a devout Christian fall for satans trap? I am a human and will fall short of GOD's perfection , but HE will not leave me nor forsake me, and HE is quick to forgive a truly contrite heart. I was truly sorrowful for what I did and HE came in and gave me strength to resist satan and send him fleeing. The BIBLE says that if we resist the devil he will flee from us. PRAISE GOD! HE showed me that scripture to be true today! In my obedience, GOD was able to redeem me from my not-so-good moment.
I call it a moment because from the time of initial squabble to the end where Randy forgave me was fifteen minutes. Only GOD could do that! WOW! The shortest squabble in history for us. LOL!
In conclusion, Grace, forgiveness and patience for one another gives us permission to be human.

The Lemonade Award!


Thank you Matthias Chronicles for the very nice "Lemonade Award"! I am speechless, and that does not happen very often...LOL!! Thank YOU LORD!

On a side note, I will be having surgery tomorrow and unable to post new article's for about four days. I will be reposting some of my earlier article's for some of my new reader's to enjoy.

Please pray for me!

In service for CHRIST,

Hello All! Grace and Peace to you all! I found this video that I really want to pass on too. I know I left a video yesterday, but I really, really love this too. I might be leaving video's here and there for you all to enjoy. This is Coffey Anderson singing Umbrella ( The CHRIST remix) it is awesome! Check out his other song's also, he is really talented. Another song I really love of his is called, "FATHER I Need You". GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Ok, here it is...Enjoy!

Prayers Answered!

Hello All, Grace and Peace be to you.

I know I said I would be back with the next armor piece, but I want to share a praise. It is wonderful!
I have been praying many, many years for GOD to deliver my sister from the addiction of meth. My sister being hooked on drugs would not talk to anyone in the family. She totally distanced herself from us. I only talked to her maybe once a year, if that. She hurt my brother so bad that he would not talked to her for 5 years.
In August of 2008, she got a hold of me through yahoo messenger. I was so surprised! Then she started to talk to me daily and has been for several months, and not only that, but she has been saved, baptized and is living for GOD! It is a blessing to have her back in my life. A prayer answered! Praise GOD!!
Today, I talked to my brother and I told him about my sister being clean and sober, and he wanted nothing to do with her. I told him that she wanted to go see him and reconcile. He told me that he was not ready, and then later on in the day, she went over to see him and he grabbed her and hugged her and they both cried! They made up! I am so emotional! My mom is emotional! Only GOD could do this. It is amazing!
I have my sister back, and we all have each other again! My sister said GOD never fails to reveal HIMSELF to her, giving her even more reason to believe.

Ok, I am going to go call my sister!

GOD Bless you all!

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